EMI Foundations: Theory and Practical Approaches is a practice-oriented course designed for educators teaching in English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI). The course consists of four modules: EMI teaching environments, EMI teaching methodologies, intercultural communication in EMI, and EMI teaching demonstrations. Participants will learn the principles of curriculum development, task design, assessment strategies, and the integration of AI tools in teaching. The course emphasizes the practical application of teaching and language skills, using diverse strategies to foster classroom engagement. Through AI-based speaking exercises on the Sensay platform, participants will enhance their English proficiency and confidence in EMI classrooms while developing cross-cultural communication skills. The program culminates in teaching demonstrations with expert feedback, allowing participants to refine their EMI teaching practices and showcase their progress. This comprehensive training balances theory and practice, equipping educators with 36 hours of professional development to excel in EMI teaching.
學員需使用本中心提供的 Moodle 與 Sensay 平台,完成線上課程四個模組及36小時學習任務,以取得結業資格。完成36小時課程者可獲「EMI教學增能課程」結訓證書;未達時數者可獲出席證明(註明修課時數)。未完成者可於未來課程繼續修讀並抵免已完成時數,完成36小時的修課時數後,即可獲得結訓證書。